Kindergarten Readiness – Focus on Neighborhoods
More than 50% of our students are not prepared to enter Kindergarten. In some neighborhoods, it is as high at 70-80%. The Fayette Education Foundation is working with one school – and its surrounding neighborhoods – at a time to bring resources to enhance the readiness of children before they come to Fayette County Public Schools unprepared. The approach in each neighborhood may differ but the goal is the same – students who are better prepared and ready to learn upon entrance to kindergarten.
Breckinridge Elementary School: During the spring and summer of 2022, educators and staff at Breckenridge Elementary School are working with a pilot group of 30 pre-registered incoming Kindergarten families. Each family has received a school-issued Chromebook and hotspot (if needed). This is the first time a Chromebook has been issued to incoming, not just current, students. The incoming Kindergarten students will access an on-literacy platform called Imagine Learning. Not only will kids get adaptive literacy instruction to help them get ready for school, but their families will have access and opportunity to use the technology to better their livelihood if needed. Student usage and progress will be monitored and incentivized over the summer. When school begins in the fall of 2022, the progress of the pilot group will be compared to the general Kindergarten enrollment.