In April 2021, The Fayette Education Foundation board of directors approved its first-ever strategic plan. All programmatic decisions, investments and opportunities will align with the FCPS strategic plan as well as incorporate one or more of the components from The Portrait of a Fayette County Graduate. The intention is to be in step with the needs of the district and serve as an additional layer of accountability to the public. The Foundation will cooperate closely to determine the needs of the district and how the resources provided by the Foundation can best be spent to address these needs.

In April 2021, The Fayette Education Foundation board of directors approved its first-ever strategic plan. All programmatic decisions, investments and opportunities will align with the FCPS strategic plan as well as incorporate one or more of the components from The Portrait of a Fayette County Graduate. The intention is to be in step with the needs of the district and serve as an additional layer of accountability to the public. The Foundation will cooperate closely to determine the needs of the district and how the resources provided by the Foundation can best be spent to address these needs.



To support our students, we must empower the teachers, staff and leaders of our schools. The financial contributions of our donors and partners help drive student achievement by ensuring classrooms and schools have needed resources and tools to invest in innovative programs, projects and initiatives.


Our students’ needs begin before they enter a classroom. Our donors and partners help address barriers to learning by supporting programs and initiatives to meet the diverse needs of students and their families.


Our students are the future of our community and world.  The contributions of our donors and partners help ensure all students leave high school ready to take the next step toward a career whether that means continuing their education or immediately entering the workforce.

The Fayette Education Foundation will:

  • provide opportunities for individuals, businesses and the community to invest in the educational needs of Fayette County Public Schools;
  • support the school district’s commitment to equitable access to opportunities and resources for all students; and
  • strive to fulfill unmet educational needs and remove barriers to opportunity.